Updating rows



This tutorial is for opayele-0.6 and earlier. If you try these examples with the latest version of Opaleye they won't work. I am working on updating (and expanding these tutorials), and have already completed Instant Gratification.

If you'd like to support my work please subscribe to my newsletter and let me know at hello@haskelltutorials.com if these tutorials helped you in any way!

SQL for table creation

We'll stick with the same tenants table as the previous chapter:

-- Tenants

create type tenant_status as enum('active', 'inactive', 'new');
create table tenants(
       id serial primary key
       ,created_at timestamp with time zone not null default current_timestamp
       ,updated_at timestamp with time zone not null default current_timestamp
       ,name text not null
       ,first_name text not null
       ,last_name text not null
       ,email text not null
       ,phone text not null
       ,status tenant_status not null default 'inactive'
       ,owner_id integer
       ,backoffice_domain text not null
       constraint ensure_not_null_owner_id check (status!='active' or owner_id is not null)
create unique index idx_index_owner_id on tenants(owner_id);
create index idx_status on tenants(status);
create index idx_tenants_created_at on tenants(created_at);
create index idx_tenants_updated_at on tenants(updated_at);
create unique index idx_unique_tenants_backoffice_domain on tenants(lower(backoffice_domain));

--- Products

create type product_type as enum('physical', 'digital');
create table products(
       id serial primary key
       ,created_at timestamp with time zone not null default current_timestamp
       ,updated_at timestamp with time zone not null default current_timestamp
       ,tenant_id integer not null references tenants(id)
       ,name text not null
       ,description text
       ,url_slug text not null
       ,tags text[] not null default '{}'
       ,currency char(3) not null
       ,advertised_price numeric not null
       ,comparison_price numeric not null
       ,cost_price numeric
       ,type product_type not null
       ,is_published boolean not null default false
       ,properties jsonb
create unique index idx_products_name on products(tenant_id, lower(name));
create unique index idx_products_url_sluf on products(tenant_id, lower(url_slug));
create index idx_products_created_at on products(created_at);
create index idx_products_updated_at on products(updated_at);
create index idx_products_comparison_price on products(comparison_price);
create index idx_products_tags on products using gin(tags);
create index idx_product_type on products(type);
create index idx_product_is_published on products(is_published);

Updating rows


  • Quick example of selecting a single row by PK, changing a field, and updating it back, using runUpdate
  • Explanation of the code and how it corresponds to the type-signature of runUpdate

Getting the updated rows back from the DB


  • Quick example of updating multiple rows in the products table and getting back the updated rows
  • Explanation of the type-signature of runUpdateReturning API call
  • Show the actual SQL queries being executed in the background

Commentary on Opaleye's update APIs


  • Opaleye forces you to update every single column in the row being updated. Why is this?

Multi-table updates (updates with JOINs)

TODO: Does Opaleye even support them? If not, what's the escape hatch?